Site Identification & Market Evaluation

In a highly dynamic and competitive market, where new accommodations brands are added constantly, selecting the the right business professionals is fundamental to ensure the best outcome of your investment.

Site Identification

Physical feasibility, including site review, infrastructure, traffic and access points, or governmental permissions and restrictions to the site, nearby facilities, transportation, destination awareness, access to local development resources in terms of skills, local supplies and community.

Market Evaluation

We conduct location and market situation analysis. Considering the competitive environment, its current as well as its future economic outlook and hotel industry trends.

Program Planning

Hotels Program planning is the process of setting the facilities related to the activities that will be conducted within your hotel/resort or restaurant,

Few factors are involved while balancing the layout with facilities to ensure best guest experience while the business goal is achieved to the best interest of the property owner and operator.

These factors include property safety, experience efficiency for all stakeholders, cost effectiveness, and meeting expected guests needs.

Brand and Operator Selection and Contract Negotiation

Brand and Operator Selection

Based on our understanding of our client’s vision for the hotel, physical site review and market analysis; we provide criteria and analysis of the suitable brands and management type (operator or franchise) that will deliver the best commercial outcome of the property.

Contract Negotiations

We guide our clients throughout the process from offers analysis, legal process of LOI terms sheet and final agreement. We negotiate the most advantageous terms along with our client’s legal firm considering a balanced and healthy relationship between the owner and the brand and / or operator.

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